Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Living Gifted

Ok, I did it again! I read another nonfiction book. Before you accuse me of not being able to committ to characters, setting, key events in rising action, etc., I want you to know I did this book for you! It's called, Living Gifted and it's by a noted author and educator, Lisa Van Gamert. It is a short read, but mighty! She highlights on each page a tip for navigating the gifted journey in school and in life. She offers a total of 52 very insightful tips for succeeding as a gifted learner. For example, she explains that we should really examine our distraction level. She has the reader stop to ponder just what happens in our brains when we say we are multi-tasking. She also celebrates the wisdom of being grateful, being a planner, and being a reader of thought-provoking books. I give this handy guide a big thumbs up and I hope you'll check it out! P.S. - You can knock it out in a little over an hour; however, the ideas will last a lifetime!